The Numbers (And Facts) That Matter For The 2024 Hurricane Season

This is a time of year when hurricanes are common, and we must be ready. Out of 17 to 25 storms anticipated this year, between four and seven will morph into major hurricanes with winds that blow at speeds greater than 111 mph. We should anticipate at least some Category 3 storms in the coming months and, given the recent trends, at least a couple that grow into much bigger storms.

Hurricane risks and what to expect

As we brace ourselves for the rest of the hurricane season, we know that we can expect a storm surge or two. This is the abnormal rise of water by winds. It is the leading cause of damage and loss as it can cause huge battering waves that can impact life and property. Flooding from heavy rains is also a risk for coastal areas, as are dangerous waves and rip currents. These can lead to significant beach erosion and damage to structures at the coastline, even in cases where the storm is over 1000 miles offshore. Flash-flooding also poses the risk of drowning and this remains one of the leading causes of hurricane-related deaths.

Impact of climate change on hurricanes

Experts have warned that the frequency and magnitude of rapid intensification events in the Atlantic have increased. The maximum wind speeds are increasing tenfold. This is happening more often and for longer. Obviously, this can be dangerous. This has a domino effect on the speed at which hurricanes move, which means more rainfall. In fact, Hurricane Harvey hovered over Houston and released 100 cm of rain in three days. The forecast of 4-7 major Atlantic hurricanes in 2024 is attributed to the record high temperature of the surface of the Atlantic Sea. This is caused by long-term greenhouse gas emissions which can be attributed to climate change and global warming in particular.

How to stay safe during hurricane season – Homeowners:

Flood Insurance: This is the greatest protection that every homeowner must have. Just imagine all your stuff being destroyed by water in the case of a flood, this is what flood insurance does; it will help you cover some natural disaster costs. Actually, many homeowners who live inland make the mistake of not taking flood insurance because they don’t live by the coast and feel that flooding can only happen at the coastline. However, any area can experience floods as recent headlines show us.

Vehicle insurance: Cars are also easily damaged by water from floods hence it’s advisable to possess a strong car cover so that you’re not left with the burden of repairing your vehicle and spending lots of money out-of-pocket.

Keep In Touch With Your Agent: Keep your agent’s contact handy as well as keep every single document accessible and backed up.

Have an inventory of your home: Create an inventory list for everything you own in your house if you haven’t done so yet. It helps to have written records, photos, and videos where possible as these would give a more detailed account of what all you have and want to insure.

Clear your yard: Summers are for BBQs and hosting outside, we all love a good BBQ, but in hurricane season, it makes sense to dismantle anything that can become windborne if there are strong winds, this includes all your outdoor furniture, cooking equipment and anything else you wouldn’t want to fly away.

How to stay safe during hurricane season – Business owners:

Business owners must also make sure that no stone is left unturned during hurricane season, and it pays to safeguard your assets. Extreme weather conditions can do tremendous damage to office spaces, warehouses, data centers, and goods. You need to have a checklist to stay prepared:

Commercial property insurance: This covers damages and will save you from a rainy day. Be sure to get this so that you can quickly bounce back from emergencies knowing that your insurance will cover structural damage, leaks, and more.

Flood Insurance: Not getting this is one mistake you should avoid because it may save your office building or warehouse from destruction if it ever gets flooded.

Business Interruption Insurance: In some cases, business owners experience so much damage that they can’t operate as usual hence their operations have to be closed for a given period of time. In such situations, business interruption insurance helps not only with loss of income but also operating costs. This is a boon when times are very hard.

Wind/hail coverage: This is one of the most overlooked, yet important coverages that is not clubbed with your standard property insurances in hurricane-prone areas.

As we buckle up for the rest of hurricane season, we hope that everyone can stay safe. For both, business owners and homeowners, get in touch with us to help you stay protected during the entire season. Reach out for tailored solutions to best fit your needs.
