Category: Uncategorized

9 insurance terms and what they mean (small business edition)

Starting a business involves risk. But when something unexpected happens, having business insurance can be the difference between your business surviving or going under. Having business insurance safeguards your business against a variety of risks like property damage and legal claims. Most small business owners do not have the money to deal with such issues… Read more »

Are you a pharmacy? Here is what you must know about insurance

There are numerous challenges involved in running a pharmacy business. Distributing medicines and drugs carries some risk. A minute mistake can result in health issues for the customer. Negligence and mistakes can even prove fatal in the pharmacy business, and such grave errors can result in heavy financial burdens and other legal issues. As it… Read more »

What is umbrella insurance? Why you should care!

Umbrella insurance is secondary insurance coverage that covers liability over and above the standard liability cover taken on other policies like the homeowner or other small business policies. It could provide a cover on multiple properties and assets depending upon the selection of the coverage. It is typically considered as ‘excess’ insurance or better known… Read more »

5 things your home insurance probably doesn’t cover

When it comes to insurance, people often shy away from getting down to the fine print and details because they assume that it is a tedious and cumbersome process. While reading the fine print isn’t exactly fun, it is absolutely essential. When it comes to insurance, ignorance is the opposite of bliss. Nobody wants to… Read more »

What the hurricane season means to insurance

With Barry just blowing itself out and as many as 8 hurricanes forecast for 2019, hurricane season is obviously a big deal for all of us on the East Coast. With major systems of winds moving at up to 111 miles per hour, the risks of damage being caused by a hurricane are very real…. Read more »

How to prevent the most common water claim issues?

Did you know that according to ISO, water damage claims are the second largest and most frequent claim? It’s also one of the most expensive claims. Water damage is bad news and is best avoided. There are different kinds of water damage, and it is important to understand what kind of water damage is covered… Read more »

Know More about Employment Practices Liability and Why You May Need It?

Employment practices liability is a type of insurance that renders coverage to employers against claims made by employees alleging harassment, wrongful termination, discrimination, and other employment-related issues. Big companies usually have extensive employment practices insurance coverage in place and are equipped to deal with any employment lawsuit. However, small businesses or startups are often vulnerable… Read more »

All You Need to Know about Insurance and Tax

Life is unpredictable. One moment everything could be smooth-sailing but everything could fall apart the next moment. And while we can’t avoid such situations, we can safeguard against them. One way to do that is through insurance. Insurance can give us peace of mind. It can help us prepare for the worst by avoiding catastrophic… Read more »