Thinking about getting your condo insured? We’ve got you covered! But knowing more never hurt anyone. In this blog, we will explore the ABCs of condo insurance, and everything you need to know before you choose the insurance that’s right for your needs. The first thing to understand about condo insurance is that condo dwellers do… Read more »
Category: Uncategorized
5 things you must fully understand about your homeowner’s insurance policy
Insurance is security. It allows you to secure what matters such as assets, finances, health, and even your loved ones. Insurance companies offer you the coverage that protects you against life’s unpredictable circumstances and events such as natural disasters, theft, or a decline in health. There’s really no doubt, having insurance is absolutely imperative. Insurance… Read more »
5 Things to consider when it’s time to renew your insurance policy
While renewing your insurance may seem like a fairly straightforward process, and it usually is, there are definitely some complexities to factor in. Read on to know more! Essentially, an insurance renewal is needed after the fixed length of time in which an insurance policy is in effect without adjusting the rate. Although there is… Read more »
The Top 7 Things Home-Owners Forget While Buying Insurance for Their Homes
Buying a home is a significant milestone in the life of most people. It’s probably the most substantial sum of money most of us invest. However, with this blissful feeling also comes the fear of uncertainty. To relieve this feeling of anxiety, it is advisable to purchase home insurance. Not everyone knows how to buy… Read more »
Why ‘Business Income Coverage’ may be the most important insurance coverage you haven’t considered yet (but you must!)
You probably know that business income is the net income that includes your net profit or loss before calculating the taxes. You would factor in all your revenues on one side and, on the other, the continuing normal operating expenses incurred, which include payroll. Of course, without earning enough income or profit, any business will… Read more »
Flooding Can Occur Anywhere – Are You Prepared?

During Hurricane Sandy, over 1.58 million claims were filed to cover the costs of damage to homes, commercial businesses, and other property. 1.58 million is hard to picture, so let’s just take a step back and realize that the number of people who were affected by this hurricane is more than the entire population of… Read more »
The Often-Misunderstood Insurance Clause That Could Cost You $20,000 (Or More)

The co-insurance clause in your building policy is one of the most misunderstood features among apartment building owners – and not understanding it could cost you tens of thousands of dollars. This article is designed to help you determine whether you may have made an error in calculating your coverage, and save you from a… Read more »
Tenant Discrimination – What CAN’T You Be Sued For?

Unfortunately, the answer is: pretty much nothing. Most landlords are completely unaware that they can be sued for a variety of “discrimination claims,” many of which will be without any basis in reality. The sad truth is that some people will unscrupulously try to sue anyone they can for any amount of money possible, and… Read more »
Building Ordinance Coverage – What It Is and Why You Need It

Let’s say you own a property that suffered extreme damage – enough that you’re going to need to rebuild or at least repair extensively. (We hope this doesn’t happen, but unexpected catastrophes occur every day.) Now, you already have property insurance, so you might think your costs of rebuilding are covered. For the most part,… Read more »