Category: Uncategorized

It’s Time to Prepare for the 2022 Hurricane Season – Start with A Look at Insurance

Hurricanes can be devastating across levels. They cause massive damage to the environment, your home, and your property. Hurricane Harvey caused damage worth $125 billion, destroying an estimated 300,000 structures and 500,000 vehicles in Texas alone. With so much at stake, it would be foolhardy for people to forget to safeguard themselves from the upcoming… Read more »

How Condo and Co-Op Insurance Is Different

The standard homeowner’s policy usually covers destruction and damage to the residence’s exterior and interior. It also covers the loss or theft of certain possessions and personal liability for harm to other people. There are essentially three basic levels of coverage that exist. Those provide for a cash value, replacement cost, and an extended replacement… Read more »

How Small Stores Can Protect Themselves from Theft

It’s been all over the news lately – smash and grab incidents to the tune of $340,000 last year. These are growing in number and pose a real risk to shop owners. Not only are you losing thousands of dollars this way, but your lives could also be in potential danger in the worst circumstances…. Read more »

Why Do Insurance Claims Get Rejected?

According to the US Department of Labor, around 14% of all submitted medical claims are rejected. That’s over 200 million denied claims. The rejections are just as high for other types of insurance, including home insurance, car insurance, and more. For those seeking redressal from unprecedented disasters, this is a potential worry. But why do… Read more »

More about Business Owners Policy coverage

A Business Owner Policy is an insurance policy that focuses on small and medium businesses and owners. It provides financial protection against perils like property damage, business interruptions, loss due to crime or cyber incidents, or general liability. The policy also covers claims that arise from lawsuits and employee liability at the business place. With… Read more »

Take A Relook At The Insurance Coverage Your Small Business Has

Owning a small business is exciting. You’re always busy with everyday challenges and new customer prospects. Small businesses also drive the country’s economy as they exist in every place, however inaccessible, and operate in every vertical of products and services. There is a trust which small businesses build with the local population that tends to… Read more »